Building Practitioners Board Disciplinary Register

The Building Practitioners Board is an independent statutory body established under the Building Act 1993. It oversees the quality and standard of professional services in the Victorian building industry.

Interestingly, a Building Surveyor that has been recommended to me by a number of people (including Bendigo Council) was found guilty (in September 2014) for...

... failing to comply with section 24(1) Building Act 1993 by issuing a building permit when he could not have been satisfied that the building permit would comply with the Building Regulations 2006 in that it contained insufficient detail in relation to the dimensions of the proposed building work to the boundaries and the layout of the drains to the point of discharge as required by Regulation 302(2) of the Building Regulations 2006. He also failed to carry out work in a competent manner and to a professional standard (Regulation 1502(a) Building Regulations breach) by failing to identify that concrete footings encroached over the allotment boundary in breach of the building permit conditions and allowing works to proceed on the basis of amended plans which did not comply with the planning permit. 

To access the register, go to the website:

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